"I have no words for this song, yet, there is so much to say about it. If you’re anything like me, even if you have never even been in love with a girl, or if it’s been like 4 years since you’ve actually been in love, you will feel every single lyric in every inch of your soul, as if you’re heads over heels in love with someone at that very moment..." - Official S.Q.N.
what's it like to be a lesbian artist in this generation?
"Meet Pixie Labrador, an openly lesbian singer/songwriter, who laments the under-representation of lesbians in the music industry, which is unfortunate because she believes that music can help mainstream discussion of LGBTQIA issues..." - Outrage Magazine

Voices of queer music: underrated sapphic artists you should know
"Expect raw emotions and a bunch of feels for many of her songs. “What It’s Like,” a song about saying goodbye to a lover, often comes up when introducing Labrador to a first-time listener. However, if you want a sweet love song, give “For You” a try. This song is all about the little ways you show love to someone as well as the hopes you have for your future together." - Preen